In my first ever “In My Kitchen” post (idea filched from Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial) I doubted that I could be fascinating on a regular monthly basis – yet here I am again! Whether gloating and showing off about some of the foodie-type loot that I brought back from my vacation in North America is fascinating is, obviously, up to you to judge – but I’m dead chuffed with my treasures and wanted to share them with you.
Whilst in Canada I was driven wild with desire at the sight of an enormous range of maple syrup and maple syrup products and the gob-smackingly low prices of them. I wanted to bring home so much of it, but it just wasn’t practical to try to lug heavy bottles of that amber-coloured bliss all through the USA, so I compromised on these little jars of maple butter and just one packet of cookies. The maple butter is heavenly on hot crumpets and I have the one remaining jar secreted away in the back of the pantry – as far from thieving fingers as I could get it. And the chocolate maple cookies – they’re history! (Interestingly, the cookies were produced by Heart Industries which is where, in my body, I suspect most of the fat from them has lodged.)
I take my responsibilities as a chocolate lover very seriously and make a point of thoroughly researching it whenever the opportunity arises. There is no point in holding oneself out as some sort of authority in the field if one is not prepared to go the hard yards and, when it comes to chocolate tasting, I will not be found lacking in application. Scharffen Berger was originally an artisan chocolate brand which has subsequently been purchased by Hersheys. They still produce a large range of chocolate of various blends, origins, beans and cacao strengths and this little parcel was a perfect way to sample a selection of their range. I also purchased a large block of 99% cacao which I am saving for some hearty winter meals – I’m thinking something rich, dark and beefy – possibly with Guinness as well as chocolate.
I’m a complete sucker for a gadget and whilst spending some blissfully happy times in various kitchen stores, this one caught my eye. It will convert recipe ingredients to any serving size desired and will also convert from pounds/ounces to grams. How handy is that!
Our hotel in San Francisco was, serendipitously, just across the road from a HUGE Williams Sonoma store. I spent a significant amount of time in there, although after the first visit the charm seemed to dissipate for my daughters and I was left to my own devices. I fell completely, utterly and hopelessly in love with these gorgeous cups, plates and bowls from Williams Sonoma and simply had to have them.
And then I saw these! Well, I dare you to say you could have resisted. Thank heavens for Williams Sonoma and their online store.
Silpat produce a range of French-made, fibreglass-reinforced, silicon baking mats to which absolutely nothing will stick. They are much desired by anyone who loves baking, but hideously expensive in stores here – that is, if you can find them. I found a complete range of sizes and, while not cheap, they were certainly less expensive than here in Australia and rolled up very neatly into one tube, tucked tidily in the back of my suitcase.
This big bowl of busyness is the very active sourdough starter that was given to me by my dear friend Isabelle. She dried a little of this starter, which she has had for some years, for me which I bought home and kicked back into life. Later in the week, these splendid sourdough loaves were the result.
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Next time Imake butter I will try turning it into maplebutter. It sounds delcious.
Let me know how you go, Barbara. This stuff looks to be just straight maple syrup that is thickened and opaque – no idea how they’ve done it, but it sure is good!
The maple syrup and maple butter is one of my favorite additions to cinnamon rolls- making them into a maple sticky cinnamon bun!
I love the WS stuff- my kids go to one book store, one kitchen store, and one bakery with me whilst on vacation and after that I’m on my own!
And your sourdough is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your kitchen. 🙂
Thanks! Care to share your maple butter secrets?
Good heavens that bread looks amazing. What perfect looking loaves and how lovely to have a sourdough gifted to you.
I’ve had that maple butter – isn’t it a-mazing. Oh my.
I’m often stunned when looking at north American blogs by the quantity of maple syrup used, not just for the level of sweetness it imparts, but also because of the cost to replicate that in Australia. I always think YIKES.
Such a wonderful experience for me to meet you and your lovely daughters on your trip to Southern California, Amanda. I am so pleased that the sourdough starter decided to kick into life back in OZ. Here’s my site with pictures of various breads I’ve made in the past.
Once I get past my trip to Peru in August, I want to start planning a visit to Adelaide.
Gee thanks Amanda. Now I just want to go back to Canada/US EVEN MORE! I LOVE most things maple. Currently roasting cherry and baby roma tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and drizzle of maple syrup. So, so delish! I brought back about that much Sharffen Burger chocolate from my last trip too. Still have a small bit of 99% in the pantry. Need recipe inspiration as oh, it’s bitter!
Oh yes, the range of maple goodies in Canada is amazing! Your recipe converter does sound very handy…and I might have to put it on my list now…and the sourdough looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!
Ha! You should see how much maple stuff I bought back from Canada. You’re admirably restrained. Enough maple syrup to power a car! 😛
Amanda… how wonderful. It must have been a delicious experience to unpack all those goodies! Your loaves look lovely… I’m chuffed at your chuffedness! Thanks for sharing, my friend.
I loved looking at your treasures Amanda! Those lettuce (or are they cabbage) bowls are adorable. And like you I take my responsibilities as a chocolate connoisseur seriously too, you should have seen all of the chocolate we came back with from our trips to Vegas and New York. My favourites were the chocolate from Payard. SO good!
That right there is an impresive haul, Amanda! I love those dear little green (are they lettuce cups?) bowls.
I’m also intrigued by the dried starter, I didn’t realise that was even possible but it makes sense I guess. We’ve just gotten one going here at our place but I would love to have brought home of the original SFO sourdough starter…. Next time!
The cups/plates etc are so pretty!
Found this on Wikipedia – don’t know how accurate they are but it’s interesting:
“Maple butter, also known as maple cream or maple spread, is a confection that is made from maple syrup, by cooking the syrup to 112 °C (233 °F), cooling it to 4 °C (40 °F) then raising it to 15 °C (60 °F), and stirring it until it reaches a smooth consistency.[1] It is usually made from Grade A Light Amber syrup (sometimes known as Fancy), and is a light tan color. A gallon of syrup can make about three kilograms of maple cream. (about 8 lb per gallon”
I love the little green bowls.
Hee hee – I had no idea my consumerism would provoke so much interest! Glad you are all so in tune with my greed. 😉
The dear little bowls are cabbage shaped and I just adore them. I might never use them, but I love looking at them. And my only regrets are that I wasn’t able to bring back more chocolate or maple syrup.
I love this series that Celia started. Wow! Don’t you have a lot of wonderful things! I really love that china but I think the first thing on my list would have to be that recipe converter. How sick am I of googling metric/imperial conversions.
maple butter yum!
Great buying Amanda. I agree with Hotly Spiced, I need one of those recipe converters as well. I wonder if they are sold in Adelaide, must start looking.
Treasures indeed Amanda!
🙂 Mandy
That’s one hell of a foodie haul that you brought back, Amanda! I’m “dead chuffed” with your treasures, too. I read your post with a big smile on my face … you remind me of me! My holiday souvenirs are always food related. I’m always stuck in the queue at Customs at the airport! Well done. You have inspired me to buy EVEN MORE next time. And post about it, too. Why didn’t i think of that…
Oh what treasures !! I love your shopping, just love the china !! And I am a sucker too for any maple product !!
Great stuff. Like the silpat mats
Thanks for playing, Amanda! The sourdough looks superb, and oh how I love maple butter! A friend brought a jar back for us years ago, and we made it last for ages, nearly licking out the jar in the end. The converter looks handy, and the Silpat mats too – I have one but haven’t used it yet…
I love all of your purchases. Maple butter sounds devine. When I was staying in Los Gatos for work, I was near a Sur La Table – but as luck had it, I never got the chance to go in. Cute cups!
I love seeing your treasures and am reminded of the fact that even though there is a Williams Sonoma just minutes from me that I haven’t been inside for 2 years; not since I broke my leg in 2010. That needs to be rectified; I LOVE those plates!
I received a gift of maple syrup from a friend in Canada that I used so sparingly but eventually used up. I was sad.
Sorry your trip didn’t wander further inland…maybe next time?
What a haul, Amanda. I can’t believe you schlepped so much stuff back to Australia. I suppose you had the suitcases of your daughters for extra space.
I usually end up bring back tiny things that don’t take up much room. The sourdough starter qualifies. I can’t get over those loaves. Truly mouthwatering.
Surely we all love a peek inside each other’s kitchen’s. I’m certainly a big fan of Celia’s In My Kitchen and it’s been interesting to see what’s going on in yours. Am feeling rather envious of that maple butter and enjoyed seeing your bubbling ferment. Why can everything be so much cheaper in the USA, it all seems very unfair. Glad you managed to bring back a few goodies.
Hi Amanda
Thanks for the great memories of ‘travel food’. That’s what it’s all about! Also a timely reminder about Williams Sonoma. I was in America near Easter a few years ago – and it was just like ‘Christmas’ for me in one of their shops with all of the wonderful easter decorating and related goodies. Off to Shanghai looking to do some heady shopping and excited about learning how to make dumplings from the locals.
Ooooh, so many goodies! That maple butter would be awesome, and those bee plates, and cabbage bowls…. All so lovely indeed!
Amanda, a slice of your sourdough with some of your squirreled away maple butter pretty please?
lots of goodies happening in your kitchen in the last month, thats for sure!