I was thinking of that post-Christmas slump when I made the January cookbook club selection dear readers – Donna Hay’s One Pan Perfect does all the heavy lifting for you.
I’m getting in just under the wire here ?, but it’s time to announce the January cookbook club selection.
November’s selection, In Good Company by Sophie Hansen had a few of us struggling with some of the given baking times, but there was more than enough in it to find lots of recipe that will become keepers. I’m thinking specifically about her Roasted Carrots with Yoghurt, Hazelnuts and Harissa, the Aromatic Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder, the divine-looking Julie Delpy-style Chicken with Calvados & Crème Fraiche and the delicious Orange and Honey Melt-and-Mix Cake which has become a reliable standard in my kitchen.
As from tomorrow we leap into the feasting season, with the appropriately-named Feast by Miguel Maestre. I hope you will all enjoy his wonderful mix-and-match sharing style cooking approach – I think it’s perfect to inspire your family Christmas or holiday celebration meals.
I was thinking about the post-holiday slump when I made the January cookbook club selection. Donna Hay’s One Pan Perfect is ideal for those times when you want to get a faster, smarter and tastier meal on to the table with minimal fuss. Prepared in a single pot, pan, or tray, these recipes will allow you to sit back and let some big, punchy flavours do all the heavy lifting for you.
Donna Hay is an Australian food legend and her latest, One Pan Perfect, is peppered with all the tips, tricks and how-tos to shortcut your way through the kitchen. You can even scan the QR codes throughout the book with your phone and bring the book to life through a series of instant videos that will lift your cooking game to new heights. I’d suggest you get your requests in to Santa quick-smart, so that this January cookbook club selection will be under the tree for you.
Don’t forget we have a year long selection, Alice Zaslavsky’s In Praise of Veg for you to cook from, and you can share your pictures from any of the previous cookbook selections on ‘Throw-back Thursdays’.
November – In Good Company
October – Every.Night.Of.The.Week.
September – How To Eat
August – Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat
July – To Asia, With Love
June – Parwana
May – The Slow Cook
April – Mix & Bake
March – Simple
And PLEASE don’t forget to share your pictures on both the Facebook group and on your own Instagram profile, using the hashtag #lambsearscookbookclub for the latter.
New to Lambs’ Ears Cookbook club? All the details are in my original post here.
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