WHAT’S IN THE BOX – 2 JUNE (Where is the year going!!!?)
Now I seem to have the hang of this – the link to the list of this weeks contents is here!
If you need some inspiration for the pumpkin and/or leeks you need look no further than my home page where I have only just posted a recipe for a pumpkin and leek risotto!
You can find the list of what is in the boxes this week (depending on which size you order) here.
The carrots that we have been getting are just lovely and last night I just peeled them, cut them into chunks, tossed them in some butter and olive oil melted together and put them in a shallow baking dish in the oven. After about 15 minutes of cooking I drizzled them with honey and sprinkle some ground coriander seeds over them and gave the pan a bit of a shake. I cooked them for about 40-45 minutes, tossing occasionally to prevent them sticking – delicious! If you have some maple syrup on hand I think that would be a fantastic substitute for the honey.
I am thrilled to see our local citrus becoming available now – our oranges are very hard to beat!
I have a fantastic, idiot-proof, healthy and simply delicious dessert using fresh oranges here – enjoy!
The new seasons citrus is just wonderful and oranges, in particular, are so versatile and can be used loads of ways. Today I have two different ideas for you. The first is just a plain and simple orange cake. this recipe is one that I have had for ages and it never fails. It is very rich with 4 egg yolks, but these can be substituted for 2 whole eggs if necessary. It can be iced with a butter cream icing flavoured with orange juice or I often just make a low fat icing by mixing icing sugar with straight orange juice and pouring that over the cake.
- 2 cups SR flour
- pinch salt
- 125 gms butter
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- grated rind of 1 orange
- 4 egg yolks
- juice of 1 orange
- Grease and flour 20 cm ring tin and preheat oven to 180C.
- Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy – about 4-5 minutes. Add yolks one at a time, beating well between each one, then add rind. Fold in sifted flour and salt and orange juice.
- Pour into tin and bake 40 minutes. Check that it is cooked by piercing with a metal skewer which will come out clean if cake is done.
- Cool on wire rack before icing.
The second recipe is a dish my mother used to make – but, in spite of that, is really very nice!
- 4 chicken breast fillets or on the bone (skin on is nicer, but no skin if you must!)
- Juice of 2 oranges
- 1-2 tsp ground coriander
- honey
- Preheat oven to 180C
- Place chook fillets in shallow baking dish, skin side up, and squeeze juice over them, then sprinkle evenly with coriander and place in oven. After about 10 minutes, remove from oven and drizzle each breast with about 1 dessertspoon of honey and baste with juice. Return to oven for 15-20 minutes, basting again after 10 minutes, the honey will caramelize with the juice, making it all sticky and yummy.