It’s November today, and for many of us, the silly season begins very soon. This month’s cookbook selection is definitely going to be a lifesaver when you’re asked to bring a plate to share gatherings. And read to the end to discover what we will cook from in December!
And just like that, the year is almost done and the silly season is almost upon us!
I’ve chosen the November Lambs’ Ears Cookbook Club selection, Sophie Hansen’s What Can I Bring? with just that in mind. As the year draws to a close, and the weather here in the southern half of the globe warms up, we all start heading outdoors again, and picnics, gatherings and shared feasts become the order of the day.
A much-loved contemporary country cook, Sophie has written numerous cookbooks, and is known for fresh, seasonal, versatile recipes that are always tasty. “What Can I Bring” is full of the kind of dishes that everyone will enjoy, are energy and money-saving, and a joy to prepare and share.
The easiest and most fun get-togethers are those where everyone shares the load, and, with this cookbook you will never be struggling to come up with the ideal dish when asked to bring a plate. We all know how the sharing of food binds us, but the silly season can be incredibly hectic. Sophie’s reliably sure-fire recipes make sure it will never be stressful – so let’s get cooking and sharing!
What Did We Cook in October
The October cookbook selection $10 Meals with Chelsea proved to be incredibly popular . These recipes are economical, totally family friendly, full of nutritionally dense ingredients, and healthily bulked up to fill hungry bellies. Many of us found quite a few keepers in this one – plus plenty of dishes that we’d be happy to share with guests. A great all-rounder.
Chicken Pesto Pasta from Vicki Taylor
Check out the veggie load in Karyn Hearn’s Vegetable Frittata!
Korean Beef Bowls from Peggy Bright
Caroline Button’s Middle Eastern Chicken and Rice
So – What’s Happening in December
Well, there’s usually quite a lot happening in December when the silly season totally revs up, and for us cookbook addicts a lot of the action is in the kitchen. There’s lots of time taken up with planning special meals, preparing home made gifts for friends, teachers and colleagues and, of course the holiday feasts.
I’ve always been a bit of a sucker for a good Christmas cookbook and have at least four or five of them lurking on my bookshelves, as I’m sure many of you do too.
Rather than picking just one for you all to source, our December cookbook selection is very free-range, I’d love you to share anything you cook, from any Christmas cookbook that you love – but only Christmas cookbooks please. As usual, all of our posts are shared on the Lambs’ Ears Cookbook Club group page. If you haven’t joined in yet – now’s the time to share your silly season cooking adventures. And don’t forget – never stress about your photos. We are having fun, not trying to look like professionals!
So far, 2024 is looking a little like this –
The whole year cookbook is The Food Saver’s A-Z – The Essential Cornersmith Kitchen Companion by Alex Elliott-Howery and Jaimee Edwards
November – What Can I Bring? by Sophie Hansen
October – $10 Meals with Chelsea by Chelsea Goodwin
September – A Plant-Based Farmhouse by Cherie Hausler
August – Now & Then by Tessa Kiros
July – The Tinned Tomatoes Cookbook by Samuel Goldsmith
June – The Naked Chef and any other Jamie Oliver cookbook
May – Easy Wins by Anna Jones
April – Your choice from any ONE book you have
March – Recipes for a Lifetime of Beautiful Cooking by Danielle Alvarez with Libby Travers
February – Any recipes from the late Bill Granger, either from his books or online
January – Kindred by Maria and Eva Konescny
Please note, Australian online bookseller Booktopia is back in business. If you purchase any of these cookbooks from my links, you will get a great price, and I will get a very small commission.